Providing web design and internet marketing services to small-medium business owners for over 20 years. Located in Lexington KY, I am a Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Internet Marketer, Public Speaker, Instructor and Business Owner. I not only design professional optimized and responsive websites, I show you how to convert your website's visitors to customers.
Hosted by MACED (Mountain Association for Community Economic Development), The FastTrac program consists of 10 evening sessions led by a FastTrac certified facilitator and supported by business coaches, local business speakers and the local business community. The Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) partners with local people to build upon the strengths of Kentucky and…
Okay, you’ve done the research, wrote the post with original and engaging content, you’ve informed and entertained your target audience, you edited, revised, copied and added visual content. And then … you hit PUBLISH. And now you wait … and wait … and wait for your site to be read, liked, shared and commented on,…
Startup Production is honored to be a sponsor and partner with CEDET’s new program, Richmond 5, as we have a passion in supporting small business owners in our community. We’ve offered discounted web site design to the five winners, as well as social media setup, design and consulting and logo creation to the winners. Nicole…
Who uses keywords? You use keywords throughout your day without probably even realizing it. Every time you open up Google (or any other search engine) and you type in a phrase or set of words to find more information about a certain subject, item or service … you used keywords. In fact, worldwide there are 1.6…
Statistics about Lexington KY’s Economy & Standard of Living:
“Entrepreneurship is at all time high in the state, and we recognize the need to develop innovative programs and offer dynamic services to help these growing companies every step of the way. Small businesses are job creators and the backbone of Kentucky’s economy” says Mandy Lambert, Interim Executive Director, Office of Enterpreneurship (Business Lexington).
What is BOAB? One of Commerce Lexington’s most effective business assistance efforts is the Business Owners Advisory Board (formerly Business Advisory Groups). These groups allow member business owners to share similar challenges, strategies, and best practices in a confidential, non-competitive environment.
First before we begin, what is a Content Management System (CMS) website? Content Management System is a software a application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface. That means, that once the site is setup and designed to your liking, you or your staff with very little technical or web development skills can update…
What is a backlink? Before we begin our discussion of the pros and cons of Backlinks, lets first define what a backlink is. A backlink is an incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website. In other words, a backlink is a link from another site back to your site. Some industry experts estimate…
Last month, I am excited to announce that Startup Production joined the Berea Chamber of Commerce. Since its founding in 1854, people have come to visit Berea, found it to their liking, and have made it their home. Today, the area boasts a population of approximately 13,000 and offers world-renowned arts and crafts, acres of…
Startup Production, as a member of local networking group in Madison County, as well as their communications chair and the marketing committee chair at the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, would love to invite you to the next Richmond Chamber’s Business Connect. It will be held on Monday, June 2, 2014 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at…
Spring is a time for cleaning up, clearing out and reorganizing, from your garden beds to your home or even your office space. But how about your internet real estate? When the last time you took an honest and thorough evaluation of your website’s design, content and functionality? Are you losing customers, hits, page ranking or…