Providing web design and internet marketing services to small-medium business owners for over 20 years. Located in Lexington KY, I am a Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Internet Marketer, Public Speaker, Instructor and Business Owner. I not only design professional optimized and responsive websites, I show you how to convert your website's visitors to customers.
How to write content for your website to rank higher on Google, how to increase traffic, how to engage users, how to increase trust & credibility in your brand, and how to convert users to leads.
Jennifer found me on Google for help in setting up and training her on her Shopify platform where she sold her hand-assembled jewelry for infants and young children. After several communications with the client, I grasped her ideas for design and layout of her Shopify site …
Dan Florell came to Startup Production after working with our company with the new website, as Dan was on the board of KAPS. So when it was time to improve the branding and web presence for his …
A referral from another client, Keith came to me with a wordpress website that was not easy to maintain, a bit disorganized, and with a lot of room to improve in the way of design and layout. So first we approached the design hurdle,
A long-time client, Lowell Land reached out to us when he needed a web presence for his new CPA Accounting Firm. We worked with Lowell to develop a layout of pages with unique and engaging content that tell his unique brand story.
Sleep Education Partners were referred to Startup Production to create a more engaging and responsive web presence that will ….
In 2021, we revised their website with a new theme, a new look, new logo and branding, as well as improved content changes to showcase their current inventory
Each year, I take time to review the year in review, to analyze lessons learned, progress made, and obstacles faced and overcome. This year, like no other, all small businesses faced the challenges of running a business during a global pandemic where most of our consumers were now safely social distancing at home. As business…
We designed a responsive, SEO optimized, professional designed website with well written and engaging content marketing for Innovative Accounting.
Website badges, affiliations, awards and endorsements can mean greater trust and credibility but beware of misleading claims, paid awards, badges with no links, and claims to be experts. If someone claims to be a Google Partner, do your research & Buyer Beware!
Why do business owners need to understand SEO, even if hiring a firm to manage it? Why is SEO crucial to your marketing plan? What are the three building blocks of SEO?
COVID is not only radically changing the way we work, learn and live it’s accelerating technology and services. How can we market our brands now and prepare for markets post COVID?