Startup Production offers an I.M.A.P. Report, which is our Internet Marketing Analytics & Proposal Report. It not only researches and analyzes your past marketing efforts and your current standing of your online presence, but also forecasts which and how future efforts can be implemented to improve leads and conversions (which equate to sales).
The more you know, the less you will be led astray into chasing your tail when it comes to marketing. Know the direction, have a plan and an experienced guide to implement that plan whenever you start a journey. When it comes to marketing in any economy, it’s essential to have a good grasp on the tone and voice of your brand, the key benefits of your products and services, your clearly defined target audience and targeted keywords, your current/ past website and social media analytics, your ad campaign results, your KPI (key performance indicators) or your current most profitable channels, and which channels are yet untapped or underserved. How can you research, measure and analyze all of the above to determine ROI?