Chaka Cummings, the Executive Director of ATBHK, found me on Google, and needed a new website that continued the mission of the History of Race website but expanded the offerings, the program’s story, showcased the partners who supported it and how the Kentucky community can get involved. Chaka, who is so inspirational and passionate about his mission, took the time with me to give me a full presentation of who ATBHK is, its core values, its future goals, and the history. The more I know about the client’s industry, brand, story, and goals, the better the site will perform and convert.
For ATHBK, I wanted the site’s design to visually tell the story of Kentucky’s rich black history and promote the beautiful diversity the commonwealth encompasses. With beautiful images completed by a local artist, beautiful stock imagery, and graphics, we designed a site that will engage the users. We also spent a great deal of time organizing and laying out the HUGE catalog of resources for educators in Kentucky. We wanted to make the resources the primary focus, as that is how ATBHK is providing their core mission – teaching others, young and old, about Kentucky’s history of Black innovators, artists, inventors, politicians and activists. The site appropriately went live on Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year.
The recently formed Association for Teaching Black History in Kentucky, which will be housed in the Carter G. Woodson Center for Interracial Education at Berea College, will work with the state’s public schools to help ensure that the many social, historical and cultural contributions of Black Kentuckians are not forgotten but instead are woven into the teaching of the state’s—and the nation’s—history.
The Association’s goal is to provide an inclusive experience for all students that supports their academic success. Continuing to improve education in the Commonwealth to reflect the complexities of current events and their historical context is critical and should include awareness of the Black experience in Kentucky. To this end, the Association will provide resources for teachers, including workshops, a website with carefully curated instructional videos, links to Kentucky historical resources and sample lessons plans.
ATBHK of Berea College | Berea KY
Chaka Cummings, Executive Director