2017: Sleep Education Partners were referred to Startup Production to create a more engaging and responsive web presence that will increase their search engine’s page ranking and ultimately traffic to their website, as their former Wix website was not ranking well. They wanted a content management system so their staff could update and manage in the future, that complimented their current branding and more easily conveyed their products and how to utilize them. With their very specific target market, we worked to optimize their site to attract their specific audience. Sleep Education Partners offers approved online continuing education for Respiratory Therapists and Sleep Technologists, that is currently approved by AARC, AAST, BRPT and CSRT.
UPDATE: In 2021, we created a new website that merged the internet presence of Sleepedu.org and Respiratoryedu.org, with a new brand website. With additional quality content to improve their SEO ranking, a new theme, a new look and enhanced visual elements to increase site readability and improved branding, their new professional website will attract visits, engage their target audience and increase conversions. And we also created an additional landing page for https://respiratoryedu.org.
Sleep Education Partners | Serves US & Canada
Bob Floro