Selling your products or services online can greatly expand your business, and the benefits of selling through your an online storefront over (or in addition to) a traditional brick-and-mortar are pretty extensive.
Reach a Larger Customer Base: Your e-commerce website can reach a much broader customer base. Instead of merely catering to a local customer demographic, you can reach a global audience.
- Less Overhead: You can greatly reduce the costs that are associated with a typical brick-and-mortar storefront, such as rent, insurance, merchandise displays, security, signage and decorating aesthetics. You can also reduce the amount of employees necessary to conduct business.
- Competitive Pricing: With the reduction of overhead and hassles, small business owners are more easily able to compete at the same level as other professional sellers in their market.
- Extended Hours: Your online store is running around the clock, with no limits on hours of operation, you can reach your target audience in any time zone, thus increasing your profit margins. Customers also have the freedom to browse through your goods and services anywhere or anytime they have internet access.
- Target your Audience: You can easily tailor your ad campaigns around your designated demographic. Through the robust SEO tools of our E-commerce platform, as well as the social media integration tools, you can offer an inexpensive form of marketing that gives business owners the advantage of word-of-mouth advertising on a grand scale.
What are some of the Benefits of Startup Production’s E-Commerce’s Platform?
- Safely and securely accept credit card payments over the internet.
- Manage your products and pictures, track sales, run reports, have access to your online inventory, and more!
- Our e-commerce solutions give you the tools you need to easily expand into the world of on-line sales.
- Our E-Commerce Platform’s versatile drag-and-drop functionality allows for hassle-free creation of product pages and collections.
- It supports payment processing via PayPal, Google Checkout and every major credit cart by default.
- Our platform also makes branding and promotion fairly painless, thanks to its robust SEO tools. Featuring keyword tag suggestion utilities, the expected XML Sitemap engine and a whole lot more, it’s quite adept at getting your online shop found quickly.
- Additionally, our chosen platform boasts automated backups, a stellar Content Delivery Network and 128-bit SSL encryption. Regardless of how expansive or complicated your online store happens to be, you won’t have to worry about the integrity of your data with Startup Production’s e-commerce package.
How to Get Started Today:
We can add a storefront onto your existing custom or WordPress website, or you can build a simple, templated E-commerce website with static pages, blog, and slideshows. We have an introductory price to setup your e-commerce storefront, integrate with your website and train you and your staff to add products and manage your store. But call us today with questions, pricing details or custom packages to fit your needs. With Startup Production, we provide affordable, beautiful & functional web design with an Artistic Flare!
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