Providing web design and internet marketing services to small-medium business owners for over 20 years. Located in Lexington KY, I am a Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Internet Marketer, Public Speaker, Instructor and Business Owner. I not only design professional optimized and responsive websites, I show you how to convert your website's visitors to customers.
With all the focus these days about enhancing your search engine optimization (SEO),social media marketing and enhancing your online presence, all of which are extremely instrumental in your business marketing plan, we tend to overlook the benefits of traditional face-to-face networking. In certain communities, traditional in-person marketing can be even more beneficial since it establishes…
Here’s the Why … With so many outlets of social media, from posts to tweets to email marketing, why should you also blog for your business? Some may feel blogging is redundant to the message they’re already putting out there with their website and other social media content, but they couldn’t be more wrong. So why blog…
The hardest part of my job as a web designer, without a doubt and across the board, is getting content from my clients. It is said, “Content is King”, and this is true even more so on the web. Content on your website should be informative, timely and concise (saying the most in the least…
What are your business goals for 2013? This is the time to sit down to (1) Review your business’ weaknesses and strengths to see what efforts from last year worked and didn’t work, (2) Make a plan for the upcoming year for your business’ success, and (3) Find a balance to a healthy work-life balance…
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to know and understand.” — Albert Einstein
During the summer it is no secret that the online marketing business slows down substantially. So during this season, be creative with your marketing ideas for your online business and products’ campaigns.
What are the advantages of a content management system like WordPress, Joomla!, Ruby on Rails, Drupal and more? A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management(ECM) and web content management (WCM). A WCM…